Why Are You Working So Hard?

My question for all of you today is, why do you work so hard at your career at your business or your job?

What is your ultimate desired outcome?

If life was exactly the way you wanted it, if you had all the money you ever needed, and you were wildly successful in your business, what would you be doing with your time?

Who would you be spending your time with and how would you spend that time with them?

For many of the professionals, CEOs and executives that I work with every week the answer is to spend more time with family to create beautiful, magical memories with them.

Well guess what? Right now in the middle of all of this stay at home time, we have that opportunity right now to capture those magical moments.


I captured one last night. I was sitting outside on the deck with my husband just watching the sunset, and I looked inside, and my daughter and son we're just laughing hysterically baking Mama Gina's famous chocolate cake.

It was so delightful to see them just living in their joy together.

Having the kids home with us has its ups and downs, therefore I am challenging myself to capture those magical moments, to remember what it's like to all be together for dinner and to share with each other how we might serve the world and others.

I want you to really take the time to think about the questions I’ve asked you today most importantly, why are you working so hard?

Be Well, Be Joyful, Be Inspired…
Have a Beautiful Day…

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