How To Transform Your Life From Overwhelmed To Joyful, Relaxed And Productive.

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Is your anxiety blocking your path to success?

Learn how high achievers are ditching overwhelm, finding balance and embracing the idea that they are already enough

Think back to the last time work had you feeling overwhelmed. Your jaw hurt, your neck hurt, you had a lot to do, but you just couldn’t focus on anything so your list kept getting longer, leaving you more anxious than ever...

You’ve always been someone who pushes themselves to be successful. You work hard, achieve more, and never stop.

So why do you feel the constant hum of anxiety?

Your ability to show up, work hard and do what it takes to get the job done are highly sought after skills.

But they can come at a cost.

You believe that your ability to “check things off your list” is the source of your worth. If you don’t get as many things done as you thought you should, you start to doubt yourself because you haven’t met your own standards of “achieving”.

This feeling gets worse when you go online.

You compare yourself to others who are at different places in life than you are. And if you haven’t hit the same milestone as they did (in the same amount of time), you start to wonder what’s wrong with you.

So how do you finally embrace the idea your worth is not tied to how much you get done, that you are already enough just the way you are?

Here’s what I want you to know about yourself...

You have what it takes to be successful and confident, it’s just a matter of learning how to access that part of yourself.

There is no assignment, task or achievement that can make you feel like you are enough.

That’s because self worth can’t be achieved. 

You are enough simply because you exist, not because you checked off everything on your to do list today.

Once you know that, and believe it to your core, everything else seems to fall in place.

When you know who you are, you are able to…

  • Make decisions confidently knowing that your decision came from a place of calm consideration (not panic).
  • Watch a movie without constantly worrying about projects you are working on at work.
  • Wake up calm and rested, not already panicked before your day has even begun.
  • Fully focus on your projects at work and come up with creative, innovative solutions instead of just working to get by.
  • Fall asleep easily instead of tossing and turning with worry.
  • Be a powerhouse who people turn to when they need good ideas and support.
  • Achieve more than you thought you could, everytime you sit down to work it’s easy to focus and get things done.
  • Respond to your stress in a mature way rather than denying and trying to push through it.
  • Remain calm, collected, and rational in the middle of a stressful situation.
  • End your working day satisfied and excited by what you did, not anxious about everything you didn’t do.

After teaching thousands of entrepreneurs how to access their calm, confident state of being, I realized that the traditional advice of “spend some time on self-care” just isn’t enough.

I knew there was a better way. So I created From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed.

From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed is an 8 module self-study program that will help you shift from a place of anxiety to one of confidence and ease.

For 8 modules I will guide you through exercises and trainings that will help you discover your calm inner self and show you how to access a vibrant, rich, emotional state of being.

This program is designed to be the best way for you to finally stop living in anxiety, for good.

Are you ready to give your inner self some much-needed attention and grow yourself?

Let’s take a look at what’s included in each step.

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Focus, Create and Innovate

  • Get my 5 step method on getting into a state of focus, creativity, and innovation - and how to access those feelings on demand. 
  • Discover how to take action on things in your life that get you closer to your goals (not the goals of others) 
  • Get past mindless “busy” work and learn how to immensely focus on a task so that you get it done quicker and better the first time around (and don’t have to come back and redo it) 
  • Learn to establish WHO YOU ARE so that each decision you make comes from a place of confidence, not frustration.
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Breathing Exercises

  • You’ll find out how to use breathing to immediately shift your physical and emotional state so that you aren’t stuck in overwhelming anxiety for long.
  • Get access to 10 powerful breathing exercises that you can use no matter where you are or what you are going through. 
  • Watch video 7 to discover how breathing can help you be a better leader by being a better listener.
  • Use your breath to quickly clear blockages in your body that are keeping you stuck in a state of overwhelm.
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Your Life on Stress

  • Learn how to be conscious of what happens in your mind when you are stressed so that your stress doesn’t infect those closest to you. 
  • You’ll discover how to quickly identify when you are going into a state of stress so that you can avoid a potential crisis.
  • See the parts in your body that hold the most stress (and why it may increase your likelihood to get a stress-related disease).
  • Watch the 3rd video to discover the horrifying things that can happen to our bodies when we are stressed for long periods of time.
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21 day chill out challenge

  • The 21 day chill out challenge will help you access your inner abundance state so that you can be: calm, peaceful, energized, motivated, passionate, inflow, sexy and more.
  • You’ll learn how to train and condition your body and mind to access these states of abundance and deep calm practically on demand.
  • Reversing the effects of stress in your body is possible - But only when you know this trick to activate your body’s natural relaxation response.
  • Become more reflective, responsive, and calm every day while also having more energy than you did before.
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Chill out with your team.

  • Find out how to share these techniques with your team (or other that you love) so that you are surrounded by calm, confident people every day.
  • Discover how you may be unintentionally projecting your stress onto others (and how to stop that immediately)
  • In video one, at the 4 min mark, you’ll learn how the All Blacks Rugby Team align their energy as a team so that they can WIN the game, not just play it. 
  • My method for aligning a team will help all of you get more done, be more creative, and enjoy each other’s company more.
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Live it now.

  • The real secret to living in joy - almost everyone gets this wrong! This seemingly simple idea will show you what you’ve been missing for a truly abundant life. 
  • How chocolate can improve your life by increasing your brainpower, focus, and good mood.
  • Why skipping the comedy section of Netflix can hinder your success at work.
  • You’ll find out how my boss (who was a very successful lawyer) told me that this simple trick was the most productive thing I could do every day, and I’ll teach you how to do it in video 6.
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Backed by science.

  • Dive deeper into the science behind stress so that you aren’t just taking my word for it, you are seeing the research for yourself. 
  • Find out how to identify the difference between full depression and temporary emotions so that you can get the proper help for your needs. 
  • If you thought your lack of caffeine was the reason you can’t focus you’ll be surprised to learn the real reason behind your lull on page 1 of the report on innovation and creativity.
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Next steps.

  • Learn the simple technique I use that will keep you a state of flow and abundance.
  • The BIG mistake that people make when they stop practicing daily (and how you can avoid it altogether)
  • 5 simple action steps that you can make that will help you to continue to grow your inner self.
  • Find the truth about achieving your goals and being open to what’s possible in this world.

In each module, you’ll get access to:

Video Lessons

Audio downloads

Action Sheets

*You’ll also get lifetime access to all of the course materials*

There are two options for joining From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed

One Payment of $497
Six Payments of $95

The Overwhelmed to Overjoyed offer for [name of affiliate audience] ends [date 1 week after launch]

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The Happiness Promise

I want you to be extraordinarily happy (and confident) with Overwhelmed to Overjoyed. That’s why you have 90 days to try the techniques, do the exercises, and fill out the worksheets. If you don’t feel like it’s working for you send me an email with your receipt and you’ll receive a full refund.

If you are tired of your anxiety keeping you trapped and miserable, then you will love From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed

This program is for you if…

  • You’re not afraid to truly examine yourself: light, dark, and every part of who you are.
  • You’re ready to feel confident every day and accept that you are enough just the way you are.
  • You’re the type of person that doesn’t let fear control your life. If you want something you go after it with everything you have.
  • You’re tired of fighting yourself and staying stressed, it’s time for a life in balance.
  • You want to enjoy your time at home without the constant worry about your projects at work.
  • You know deep down that you are an amazing, wonderful, abundant person, you just don’t know how to convince yourself yet that it’s true.

This is about more than just “breathing techniques”... it’s about what it takes to be truly successful

If you ask your friend “what makes someone successful?” they will tell you something that’s different than your version of success.

That’s because success, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

I can’t tell you the exact formula for success, because all of them are different.

I could tell you that to be successful you MUST get up at 5 am… but there are successful people that don’t do that.

I could tell you that you have to be under 30 in order to find your true calling… but there are people who didn’t find their calling until 50, 60, or even 80.

Your life, your happiness, your success are all up to you.

You make the rules.

All I can do is start you on the journey of self-discovery. I can give you the tools to defend yourself from anxiety attacks and your insecurities. I can show you why you’re stuck and how to get out. And I can encourage you while you discover what resilience means.

But success?

Well, only you can decide when you are successful and when you feel like you are finally enough.

2 months from now, you will...

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Be able to handle any stressful situation that comes into your life with calm confidence.

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Have all the tools you need to quickly shift your mindset and access an abundant range of emotions.

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Know deeply who you are, and what matters to you (so that you’re not exhausting yourself to please others).

Your Joyful Life Starts Now!
Get Started Today!

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